Theater of the Self Part 1


Sample File

Here you dive deeper into understanding and working with your intention sub-conscious and conscious mind, and the True Self  (Higher Self, God Self ,Inner Being  etc.) You choose and practice taking back and re-owning your power from situations where you felt powerless, helpless or unable to intervene on your own behalf. (Or for someone dear to you). In the Theater you re-do scenes from your life and create new memories and new underlying beliefs. You become the conscious co-creater of your experience. Read more…

You learn to discern what thoughts and beliefs you created in difficult experiences and moments that you may still be carrying in your sub-conscious mind. Often they were judgments and discernments that may have been true at the moment and were then accepted as true about “reality” in general.


A few popular examples:

Nothing I do makes a difference.

No body listens to me.

I can’t get what I need (or what I want).

Either they get you or you get them.

Why bother trying, nothing ever works out.

I’ll take care of other’s and then I’ll be loved (or safe).


These kinds of underlying beliefs generate conscious thoughts that keep you stuck in unhappy feelings and situations.  As you do this track and you create a new story with new outcomes and new beliefs you are creating new memories you can draw from in your daily life. As you do this  you create new pathways in the brain. (This has been  proven true by neuroscience now.)


This inner shifting helps you create new thought forms and new behaviors to attract more fulfilling experiences and people into your life. It is also a way of letting go of the past, taking your power and forgiving. (By forgiving you let go of attachments to the pain and suffering and can replace it with feelings of love.


SKU: Theater of the Self Part 1 Category:


Here you dive deeper into understanding and working with your intention sub-conscious and conscious mind, and the True Self  (Higher Self, God Self ,Inner Being  etc.) You choose and practice taking back and re-owning your power from situations where you felt powerless, helpless or unable to intervene on your own behalf. (Or for someone dear to you). In the Theater you re-do scenes from your life and create new memories and new underlying beliefs. You become the conscious co-creater of your experience. Read more…

You learn to discern what thoughts and beliefs you created in difficult experiences and moments that you may still be carrying in your sub-conscious mind. Often they were judgments and discernments that may have been true at the moment and were then accepted as true about “reality” in general.


A few popular examples:

Nothing I do makes a difference.

No body listens to me.

I can’t get what I need (or what I want).

Either they get you or you get them.

Why bother trying, nothing ever works out.

I’ll take care of other’s and then I’ll be loved (or safe).


These kinds of underlying beliefs generate conscious thoughts that keep you stuck in unhappy feelings and situations.  As you do this track and you create a new story with new outcomes and new beliefs you are creating new memories you can draw from in your daily life. As you do this  you create new pathways in the brain. (This has been  proven true by neuroscience now.)


This inner shifting helps you create new thought forms and new behaviors to attract more fulfilling experiences and people into your life. It is also a way of letting go of the past, taking your power and forgiving. (By forgiving you let go of attachments to the pain and suffering and can replace it with feelings of love.